Sunday, May 22, 2016

Meant for More

So you've heard the voice inside your head say, "You were meant for more than this." A voice that over time has become so familiar and so dear that where it speaks and where you listen may be the biggest mystery of all. And it's true. We are more than the sum of our parts. Even though it doesn't always feel this way, we are meant for more than this.

Everything that has meaning happens when we are present and open to loving each other. When our hearts and our minds are willing to see that even the simplest event, the smallest interaction, can be life altering - if not for us then for someone else.

But it all depends.

It depends on you and it depends on me. Both of us willing to see past our differences and biases. Both of us making the effort to look beyond our expectations. Both open to seeing each other as we are and accepting each other regardless.

So forgive me when I am less than this. I really want to be more. More loving, more caring, more forgiving. Give me the opportunity to show you who I really am. No, I'm not perfect. You'll see me trip and fall short. But I know in my heart I was meant for more than this - so I keep trying.

Will you make the commitment with me to leave this world a better place because we were here and cared about each other? Really cared? I know it's going to take some effort, but who knows, it might just raise the whole world up to where it's meant to be.

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